What is Written

Words carry energy. When I had my energetic awakening in Singapore with distinct waves vibrating through my entire body, there were afterward very physical experiences that happened to me over many months. At first it was almost unbearable at times to be in public spaces because of how overwhelming it was – I was extremely sensitive to everything around me.

There is a very large bookstore in Singapore called Kinokuniya that I enjoyed visiting. But during those months, I could barely step inside. Every time I did so, I felt smothered and nauseous, like I was being energetically surrounded by every story that was written in the books contained there. I would leave quickly to escape the impression of a huge unseen presence weighting me down. It was difficult to breath and keep upright.

I had read the Toltec teachings that words can hold power over people. Words are tools that can be life enhancing and life diminshing. At that time I didn’t speak the Languages of the Self. I couldn’t break myself free. This happened in other instances as well that I will talk about in later posts.

Once I began to speak in the light language of the Ancients, everything changed. I no longer felt the weight of the words held in those books when in the store. If I began to have that sensation, I spoke spontaneously in the Langauges of the Self and it stopped at once.

For you to take away here:

  • Be careful how you use words, even when written. This is very evident in e-mails. Have you ever heard of e-mail etiquette such as NO ALL CAPS? It can feel like you are being shouted at. Extrapolate that further to novels, newspapers and magazine articles you read. And to your everyday messaging and texting.

Try to be more aware. Pay attention to your thoughts, emotions and body reactions when reading from now on. How do you feel? How do your beliefs change or become more concrete? How do you then treat others and deal with situations in your life? Has it changed? Advertisers and marketing people know very well how to manipulate their audience. How do you react to ads, both written and spoken? Are your actions shaped by them if you are more conscious of them?

If you are writing, write from the perspective of the receiver. Do you want to be life enhancing or life diminishing to that person?

  • The light language of the Ancients is a tool that can help when you feel overwhelmed by words. They support you best when they are received in their abstract, non-defined and non-translated purity. In this way, the voices of the Ancients can shift you even in those moments when you may not realise you need shifting. They can clear energy from around you that is non-life enhancing. They offer gifts of insight, guidance, comfort and self-transformation.

    Download the free audio here to experience the comforting voices of the Ancients.


Feeling lost on your path? Feel the vibration of the Ancients as they reach to comfort you and guide you.


Singer Lisa Gerrard’s ‘Language of the Self’


Seasons - What is Shifting in You?