My name is Regina. I have been speaking the Languages of the Self since 2012. Before moving back to Belgium in late 2017, I was part of a wonderful spiritual, holistic community in Singapore. I ran my own holistic centre, holding private sessions, classes and diverse events. I participated in Heart Mind Body festivals there and in New Zealand and offered sessions online internationally. I have helped many people awaken their connection to the Ancients and their Languages of the Self.
I am certified in Reiki, Belvaspata Angelic Healing, and Munay-Ki Rites. I have formed a deep connection with Dragon Allies and assisted clients in connecting with their own Dragon Allies. Additionally, I have channelled drawings and messages from the Faes and have performed intuitive readings and healings for clients.
In 2012, I first uttered the Languages of the Self, of the Ancients. Months before this, in a Reiki share with a big group of people, I experienced the inexplicable: I felt waves coursing through my body, and my whole body vibrated. I saw solid matter moving wave-like—the ground undulated, and the images in a painting rolled along. Because of this phenomenon, I couldn’t stare at inanimate objects for long.
My hands were intensely hot for a few weeks, so when I did Reiki on my four-year-old son, he asked me to stop. My husband felt waves pass through him when I touched his feet. I sensed a pulsing around plants, crystals, and people, and I could feel their emotions. At times, I had very physical reactions to a situation or person. I remember a Buddhist monk walking across the street in front of me. My senses became overwhelmed without warning, and my body tensed and shook spontaneously. During moments like this, a part of me seems to step outside my body and observe. In that instance, I sensed that I had witnessed the massacre of many monks. These moments always pass quickly; my consciousness returns to my body, and I feel no residual sensations from them.
I learned the Munay-Ki Rites. The teacher spoke a peculiar (to me at the time) light language, as she called it. I reacted oddly to her words, wanting to respond somehow but forcing myself not to give in to that ‘crazy’ thought and desire. Many months later, the words broke free during a private network spinal analysis session. I had been trying to hold back those words, those sounds. The fear of being thought crazy and not knowing what they were, obstructed the path of release. The physical sensation of swirling in my throat that I had been experiencing for several months ceased.
As time passed and I spoke more, I felt like I was speaking several ‘dialects’. Depending on whom I was speaking with, the dialect and tone and type of voice could change. In early 2023, I finally understood that at least 20 ‘ancient voices’ were within me. I was uninhibited by the ‘medicinal’ high I was experiencing, feeling so dizzy and nauseous that I couldn’t stand. For two to two and a half hours, with every wave of nausea, a new voice and dialect and/or language emerged, along with chanting that can only be described as North American Indian. I literally felt ‘me’ step aside and say, ‘Well, Regina, it looks like you are not crazy after all.’
The ‘high’ had broken my self-imposed internal barriers, which I didn’t realize I still had. The many voices of the Ancients came, letting me know they wanted to be spoken, to be heard, to help, to heal, to teach, to protect, to warn, and to give voice to what cannot be spoken in the languages I speak today.
I have always felt that these languages are of the Earth rather than what people refer to as the light language of star beings or deities. I am now certain of this. They are the languages of those I have come to call the Ancient Ones. Recently, I have encountered fragments of old Lakota and African languages that resemble some of my dialects. Very few still speak these languages, which are either dying or already extinct.
These voices of the Ancients are somehow a part of me, and I am part of them. It comprises many voices, many Ancient Ones when I speak in the Languages of the Self.
I have witnessed how these languages transform and heal individuals. They have certainly done so for me. Even during periods when I do not speak them, the languages always emerge. They can be spontaneous or articulated with intention.
The Ancient Ones and the Languages of the Self inspire me to reach out to you, so they can awaken you to your own Languages of the Self and assist you on your journey of inner healing.