Healing the Waters of the Earth

Sitting next to the ocean on a rock jetty in Singapore in quiet contemplation one day, I began spontaneously speaking in the Languages of the Self. I could sense I was speaking to the water and was shocked at the intensity of the emotions and accompanying tears.

I have a relationship with the ocean in that I was born and grew up in the archipelago of the Bahamas, surrounded by those stunning kaleidoscopic waters. The mystic Edward Cayce believed part of Atlantis lays buried under mounds of coral in these waters. And, it was home long ago to the Lucayans, an Arawakan language-speaking Taino people, who arrived around 700 BC. They and their language are for the most part extinct and few remnants remain to show they once lived their. Their culture is traced back by scientists to the Orinoco River valley in South America, and their ancestral languages back to the centre of the Amazon basin.

I begin to question if I have some connection to the Ancients because of where I was born. Recently, when remembering this history I was taught as a child, my body became drenched in goosebumps for several minutes.

Despite being deeply aware of the breathtakingly beautiful and crystalline waters of the Bahamas, I have always been somewhat cautious and afraid of the ocean.

All my life I have been dreaming of huge waves of water that devour the land, leaving nothing behind. These dreams have come in various scenarios. In them, I’m always untouched, trying to help people to escape the oncoming destruction I see approaching, to which they seem oblivious. Or, I’m waiting in treetops for the waters to recede.

That day in Singapore, I felt an inexplicable rage directed at the ocean, a welling up of resentment of things I could not name. But as I continued to speak in the Languages of the Self of the Ancients, I became calmer.

It seemed clear to me that day that the waters of the Earth hold the vibrations of emotions and memories from centuries of war, pillaging, death, and natural catastrophe as well as the memories of exploration, kinship, love, and health.

I felt the same sense of connection another time in the Bahamas as I drifted in the water and let the Ancients speak. I felt like I was speaking to and for the ocean, healing all those times of piracy, ship wrecking, bootlegging, slavery, hurricanes and more. I felt it so deeply.

I believe that being near water when we allow the Ancients to speak the Languages of the Self through us, can soothe, release, and transform us in that moment as well as the vast bodies of water of our Earth - be it an ocean, lake, pond, river, lagoon, loch, fjord or any of the plethora of waterways of our world.


The Ancients Are My Daemons


Druid Chamber Meeting